➡️ Post on Facebook:

2 days until the release of "Love and Freedom" 🔥 I've been working hard on this single and I'm excited for you to hear it soon 🥳

And remember, you can already add my new single "Love and Freedom" to your playlist on Spotify 👉 [LINK].

Drop a thumbs up 👍 if you've already done it!

➡️ Post on Instagram:

Only 2 days until the release of "Love and Freedom" 🔥 I've been working hard on this single and I'm excited for you to hear it soon 🥳

Don't forget, you can already add my new single "Love and Freedom" to your playlist on Spotify. Link in bio! 🔗

➡️ Instagram Story:

A photo with a link to the song on Spotify and a countdown timer until the release. If you have any behind-the-scenes footage of the music video or studio recordings, you can also share them as a short video.

➡️ Graphic:

An image with a link to the song on Spotify. If you have any behind-the-scenes footage of the music video or studio work, you can also share it as a video clip.